Decisions of the BNP National Standing Committee Meeting Held on September 23, 2024

On Monday, September 23, 2024, at 8:30 PM, a meeting of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party - BNP National Standing Committee was held at the party’s Gulshan office. The meeting was chaired by BNP’s Acting Chairman, Mr. Tarique Rahman. The following members of the National Standing Committee were present:

1. Dr. Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain
2. Barrister Jamir Uddin Sorkar
3. Mirza Abbas
4. Goyeshwar Chandra Roy
5. Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan
6. Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan
7. Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir
8. Mr. Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury
9. Mr. Salahuddin Ahmed
10. Begum Selima Rahman
11. Mr. Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku
12. Major (Retd.) Hafiz Uddin Ahmed, Bir Bikram
13. Prof. Dr. A.Z.M. Zahid Hossain

After detailed discussions on the agenda, the following decisions were adopted:

1. The Secretary-General informed the meeting about the progress in implementing the decisions made in the previous meeting held on September 16, 2024.

2. The committee expressed deep concern over the recent conflicts in the hill districts. It believes that such conflicts are being orchestrated as part of a long-term conspiracy to destabilize the interim government after the fall of the fascist Hasina regime. These incidents, which are entirely politically motivated, pose a threat to the country's independence and sovereignty. The committee stressed that these issues cannot be taken lightly. To restore peace in the hill districts, it is essential to convene a national convention involving major political parties, local leaders, and other relevant stakeholders. The committee called on the government to take steps toward this goal.

3. The committee condemned the recent spate of attacks on shrines, vandalism, and mob lynching, which are being used to create a climate of fear in industrial areas and religious institutions as part of a calculated effort to help the fallen fascist regime return to power. The country is being pushed toward anarchy. The committee believes that public awareness should be raised through media campaigns initiated by the government and by increasing efforts from all patriotic political parties. The committee strongly condemned these anti-social and divisive activities and called for those responsible to be identified and brought to justice immediately.

4. The committee strongly condemned the recent threat by India’s Home Minister Amit Shah to “hang Bangladeshi intruders upside down and set them straight.” The committee urged Indian central ministers and leaders to refrain from making such comments, as they serve as obstacles to maintaining friendly relations between the two countries' people. The committee expressed satisfaction with Bangladesh’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its strong criticism of the statement and its call for restraint.

5. The committee called for the dissolution of the union councils formed under the fascist Hasina regime. It stated that these councils were formed as tools for the fallen regime and that maintaining them would not allow for free, fair, and impartial national elections.

6. The meeting was adjourned with a vote of thanks from the chair.

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir
Secretary General  
Bangladesh Nationalist Party - BNP