On the occasion of Janmashtami, BNP Acting Chairman Mr. Tarique Rahman gave the following message:—
“On the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami, I extend my heartfelt greetings and congratulations to my Hindu brothers and sisters. I wish them continued happiness, peace, and well-being.
According to the followers of the Hindu faith, Janmashtami is the birthday of Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu. Janmashtami has been celebrated as a religious festival with due reverence for ages. Any religious festival is universal and transcends communal divides, uniting people in bonds of harmony and brotherhood. It awakens a unique solidarity within human society, and with its joyous humility, it fills everyone with a shared sense of sincerity in society.
The essence of all religions is peace and human welfare. Throughout the ages, religious leaders have shown the path of truth and justice. Lord Krishna appeared on Earth during a time when tyrannical rulers had established a dreadful autocracy in society. He subdued that unrest and injustice, establishing truth, righteousness, and welfare on Earth, bringing peace and relief to the righteous and innocent people in society. Even today, oppressive and irrational autocratic forces in various countries continue to bring suffering and persecution upon people. By following the teachings and deeds of Lord Krishna, the oppressed can draw inspiration to resist tyranny.
Religious harmony is a great tradition of Bangladesh. Since ancient times, Bangladeshis have never lost their generosity, mutual goodwill, and tolerance towards other religions. Here, people of all faiths have lived in bonds of harmony and brotherhood for centuries. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is firmly committed to maintaining that bond unbroken.
On this auspicious day of Janmashtami, I once again extend my warmest greetings to everyone.”