Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Dear Countrymen,

Assalamu Alaikum.

During the anti-autocratic movement of the ’90s, the slogan “The country is now in the grip of the greatest shameless” resonated with democracy-loving people. In today’s context, that slogan could be: “The country is now in the grip of a shameless sycophant slave.” Why do I say this? Because, due to the illegitimate power ambitions of Lendup Hasina, democracy, human rights, and voting rights have been eroded, making the people feel enslaved in their own country. The nation’s borders are unprotected, with Saint Martin’s Island nearly besieged. Bangladeshi citizens feel unsafe traveling there. Recent actions by Myanmar around Saint Martin’s pose a dire threat to our sovereignty.

Dear Countrymen,

There has been persistent unrest along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. Heavy illegal weapons are entering Bangladesh through the Myanmar border, and junta soldiers from war-torn Myanmar frequently infiltrate our territory. Hasina’s subservient government sends these junta soldiers back to Myanmar as usual. Yet, not a single Rohingya, forced into Bangladesh from Myanmar over the past 7-8 years, has been repatriated. Why has this not been possible? Is Bangladesh protecting the interests of another country? Whose interests is it protecting? The public certainly has the right to know what policy Bangladesh is adopting regarding Myanmar. Due to Sheikh Hasina’s subservient behavior, Bangladeshi citizens do not feel safe at any border.

Dear Countrymen,

India shares borders with seven countries, including Bangladesh. While Indian border guards do not dare kill people at other borders, Bangladeshi citizens frequently lose their lives to the BSF bullets at the Indian border. On June 9, a person was killed by the BSF shooting at the Cumilla border. Due to the submissive foreign policy and sycophantic mentality of Lendup Hasina’s government, Bangladesh has lost the courage and freedom to protest these border killings. Even Hasina’s government’s close ally, the Kuki Chin, is challenging Bangladesh’s sovereignty in the hill areas. Today, Bangladesh’s borders are unsafe, and our independence and sovereignty are at risk. Yet, the tyrannical and subservient Hasina government remains indifferent.

Dear Countrymen,

Sheikh Hasina has used corrupt figures like Aziz and Benazir to maintain her subservient government, tarnishing the honor and reputation of specialized forces both domestically and internationally. The autocratic Hasina’s use of RAB to suppress opposing political parties and opinions underscores the urgent need to cease the posting of any army officers and members to this force for the sake of the nation and its people. The army’s primary duty is to safeguard the nation’s independence and sovereignty, not to secure Hasina’s illegal power and election rigging. Despite ongoing threats to sovereignty, why hasn’t the army been deployed along the borders?

Patriotic Brothers and Sisters,

To monopolize state power without votes, Sheikh Hasina has formed a mafia syndicate comprising the military, police, civil administration, and various greedy and corrupt individuals. This mafia group assists Hasina in renewing her power through election rigging every time. In return, Hasina grants them opportunities for unrestricted corruption and looting. It is clear to the people that the murderous and corrupt Aziz-Anar-Benazir gang is a product of Sheikh Hasina’s mafia circle. They reflect the very essence of her government. Hasina, notorious for election theft, is the source of all illegitimate power held by figures like Benazir. For all the abductions, murders, and election rigging in the country, Benazir was one of Hasina’s most trusted operatives. Sheikh Hasina herself is the chief patron of this mafia syndicate, including Aziz and Benazir.

Dear Democracy-Loving Brothers and Sisters,

Sheikh Hasina has continuously renewed her unelected government by placing corrupt individuals like Aziz and Benazir in top positions across almost all institutions. If investigated, the media would reveal massive corruption by the former Chief Justice, the former head of the Anti-Corruption Commission, the former Chief Election Commissioner, and many current top officials, akin to the unprecedented report on Benazir published in the media. This is because Hasina herself is one of the top corrupt individuals in the country. Corruption is her main principle to retain state power without votes. Sheikh Hasina knows very well that she has to allow individuals like Benazir and Aziz to engage in unrestricted corruption and abuse of power; to get cooperation in her election rigging. Every major corruption or bank looting incident revealed during Hasina’s rule has shown her association with the major thieves involved.

Dear Countrymen,

A senior editor of a national daily recently admitted they were aware of Benazir’s wrongdoings but lacked the courage to report them. In light of this, I want to emphasize that if we desire change, if we wish to see a government and administration free from corruption and mafia influence like that of Anar, Benazir, and Aziz, if we want to save our young people from drowning in the Mediterranean, and if we aim to restore democracy, then every supporter of democracy must come forward. Numerous leaders and activists from the BNP and other pro-democracy political parties have been abducted, murdered, or kidnapped in the struggle for democracy, human rights, and voting rights. Millions are harassed daily by false or fictitious cases across the country, with many unable to return home for months. Despite this, the BNP has not abandoned the streets. Pro-democracy political parties have not abandoned the streets.

Dear Countrymen,

Liberating the country from the grip of mafia rule is not the responsibility of the BNP or any single political party alone. To reclaim our nation from the clutches of the mafia, people from all walks of life must overcome their fears and come forward. Those who know the truth must speak out with courage. Under the patronage of the autocratic Hasina, an Awami League syndicate of four ‘dummy MPs’ has looted 200 billion BDT from the pockets of the people under the pretense of sending them to Malaysia, leaving 17,000 people destitute. These individuals could not go to Malaysia; instead, 61,000 Bangladeshis were forced to return from Malaysia. The chief patron of this looting syndicate, Hasina, claims to have developed Bangladesh into Singapore. If that were true, why are thousands of people becoming destitute and selling their last possessions and land to go to Malaysia? Why are countless young men meeting watery graves in the Mediterranean in their desperation to go abroad?

Dear students, young men, and women,

Many of you will remember that during the quota-reform movement in 2018, the autocratic Hasina promised to abolish the quota system. Now, she has used the courts to reinstate it. This is clearly a betrayal of the students. Hasina, being a deceiver, repeatedly cheats the people. ‘Quota’ can never be a substitute for merit. I believe that the demands of the students and young people regarding job quota reform are indeed fair and just. If the BNP is elected to form the government, it will certainly implement any reasonable and just demands of the students and young people. The state will also consider the issues of disabled individuals with due importance. If we remain united and steadfast in our decisions, we will soon establish a government accountable to the people through a free and fair election under a neutral administration. Insha’Allah.

Dear Countrymen,

Chaos prevails in every sector of our country. From the stock market to neighborhood vegetable markets, syndicates’ dominance has rendered ordinary citizens helpless. Almost all banks in the country are on the verge of bankruptcy. It’s not just a dollar shortage; the cash crisis in banks is becoming increasingly severe. Even during Eid, customers cannot withdraw the cash they need. Due to the dollar shortage, traders cannot open LCs, and students cannot go abroad for higher education. Banks have become unsafe. Customers’ gold is disappearing from bank lockers, and even the vaults of the Bangladesh Bank are no longer secure. There is disappointment in export trade, and trade disparities with various countries are increasing. Currently, the country is entirely import-dependent and burdened with domestic and foreign debt. This is the financial situation of the country.

Dear democracy-loving brothers and sisters,

The great leader of independence, success, prosperity, and democracy, Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman, made Bangladesh economically self-sufficient after the 1974 famine, even exporting rice and sugar. During Begum Khaleda Zia’s government, Bangladesh became an emerging tiger of Asia. Due to the corruption and looting by Hasina and her mafia gang, Bangladesh is now again in severe economic crisis. To manage the situation, mafia leader Hasina is now begging from various countries.

Dear democracy-loving brothers and sisters,

There is ultimate degradation in every field—politics, economy, justice, ethics, religious, and social values. Due to Sheikh Hasina’s illegitimate power grab, the country and its people are in dire straits. In this multifaceted crisis, there is no time to sit idle. The Mother of Democracy, Begum Khaleda Zia, said, “They hold the chains of slavery, we hold the flag of freedom.” If we want to uphold the dignity of the flag of freedom, we must reclaim the country from the clutches of subservient evil forces. Otherwise, the day is not far when we might have to face the fate of Palestinians in our own homeland. Due to Lendup Hasina’s subservience, Bangladesh’s independence and sovereignty are at risk. The freedom fighters liberated Bangladesh at the cost of countless lives in 1971 for independence. This time, the liberation war is to protect the freedom of the country and its people. Therefore, we urge all pro-democracy and pro-Bangladesh forces to join the ongoing struggle to safeguard the nation’s independence.

Dear democracy-loving brothers and sisters,

Our motherland is in crisis today. If we do not stand up against the mafia syndicate fostered by Lendup Hasina, the freedom of our country and people will be lost. Do we want the helpless and brutal deaths like those of Abrar from BUET or Ashraful and Asadul from Madhukhali in Faridpur? We do not. So let us prepare for the ultimate sacrifice, like the freedom fighters of ’71, to protect our motherland’s freedom. Let us raise the slogan: “My Country, My Rights, Take Back Bangladesh.”

Allah Hafiz

Bangladesh Zindabad

Bangladesh Nationalist Party Zindabad