June 13, 2024  

Press Release  

Statement by BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has strongly condemned and protested the false information presented by the Prime Minister during the question-answer session in the National Parliament yesterday, which claimed that 15 convicted individuals, including Tarique Rahman, are fugitives in the August 21 grenade attack case.

In a statement today, the BNP Secretary General said, “Tarique Rahman and several BNP leaders have been implicated in the August 21 grenade attack case with political motives. This is a well-planned conspiracy to tarnish Tarique Rahman’s image. After assuming power in 2009, the current Awami League regime included Tarique Rahman’s name in the charge sheet by appointing a retired police officer aligned with their ideology as the investigating officer. Even though Tarique Rahman’s name was not included in the two previous investigations and charge sheets conducted during the interim government resulting from Awami League’s own movements, he has now been implicated purely out of the Awami League government’s extreme vendetta. The numerous false cases and influenced judicial decisions against Tarique Rahman are aimed at weakening nationalist leadership and endangering democracy, pushing state sovereignty and civil liberties into the current crisis.

The Awami League’s fascist circle has long been orchestrating a malicious campaign against Tarique Rahman. He has been implicated in the August 21 case as part of this conspiracy. In the absence of the rule of law in Bangladesh, it has become impossible for respectable citizens to survive with dignity and self-respect. With self-interest, arrogance, intolerance, and grand corruption hidden behind the scenes, the government is now vilifying Tarique Rahman. The failing Awami government, surrounded by failure, seeks to prolong political disputes with sinister intentions. If there were good governance and justice, looters, money launderers, and defaulting debtors close to the regime would have faced legal consequences. Instead, they are thriving. The dummy government, with its oppressive and justice-devoid administration and judiciary, is brutally suppressing pro-democracy activists. Amidst revelations of corruption by those close to the government and the viral news of inventive corruption by high-ranking officials linked to power, the threat of arrest against Tarique Rahman is part of a deep conspiracy.

I consider the threat to arrest Mr. Tarique Rahman, the symbol of nationalist strength and the principal leader of the ongoing democratic movement, a declaration of war against democracy-loving people. I strongly condemn and protest the threat to arrest the BNP’s Acting Chairman, Mr. Tarique Rahman.”

Message Sender,

(Muhammad Munir Hossain)  

Assistant Office Secretary  

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)