03 September 2023
Press release
Statement of BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi
Yesterday 02 September 2023, with the malicious intention of creating confusion in the minds of BNP leaders, a press release was circulated through the media including social media by forging my signature - which is completely fabricated, baseless and maliciously motivated. The press release mentions that BNP media cell member Shairul Kabir Khan has been dismissed from all ranks of the party based on a complaint and Abu Zafar Shamsuddin Didar has been replaced by Shairul Kabir Khan. I strongly condemn and protest the propagation of such false and fanciful statements and request the party leaders not to be misled.
(Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi)
Senior Joint Secretary General
Bangladesh Nationalist Party – BNP.