BNP standing committee member Nazrul Islam Khan on Wednesday said both the government and the opposition should be responsible in future for the completion of the unfinished reform tasks.

“A new interim government has come to power… they want to reform (the state and its institutions). Some of our aspirations can be fulfilled by this government. It is you (political parties) who will have to take responsibility to fulfill the remaining aspirations,” he said.

The BNP leader made the remarks while addressing a discussion titled "Bloodstained Mass Uprising- Bangladesh in line with Public Aspiration,” in the city. Bangladesher Biplabi Workers Party arranged the discussion in Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU).

He said it has to develop a system at least that holds everyone accountable." Those who are in government will have to be responsible and those who are in opposition will also have to be responsible,” he said.

He said the journalists and writers will also have responsibility. “Everyone will be responsible and accountable to the people,” he added.

Nazrul Islam said the people are politically sources of all power of the state. “I believe we can achieve such a situation in the coming days," he said.

The BNP standing committee member asked the people to wish the interim government a success so that they can be a part of the history of Bangladesh by fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to them with dignity.

Noting that the reform is an ongoing issue, he said it needs to reform the constitution, the system, thinking pattern and the electoral laws. It is not right that this interim government alone will do all reform tasks rather the democratically elected government will have to do many tasks.

Nazrul Islam said they (political parties) should make promises in advance (before the election) about what they will do so that the people can decide for giving the responsibility of bringing changes accordingly.

He focused on the 31-point state reform proposal announced by BNP and like-minded political parties.

Jatiya Party (Kazi Zafar) Chairman Mostafa Jamal Haider, Coordinator of Ganasanghati Andolan Junaid Saki, AB Party convener Solaiman Chowdhury and journalist Sohrab Hassan, among others, spoke at the discussion presided over by Biplabi Workers Party General Secretary Saiful Haque.