In a press conference held on Thursday afternoon at BNP's headquarters in Nayapaltan, Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, the Senior Joint Secretary General of BNP, accused the government of raising electricity prices to favor the Awami League syndicate's profits.

Rizvi criticized the government, labeling it a 'dummy government,' and claimed that it has once again increased electricity and gas prices without considering the hardships faced by the ordinary citizens. He asserted that by tightening control over the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission, the government could arbitrarily raise electricity prices at will. Rizvi argued that this move reflects the government's policy of oppressing and burdening the people.

The Minister of State for Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources had recently announced an increase in electricity and gas prices, with the new rates set to take effect from March 1. According to Rizvi, the average electricity price will rise to 0.52 Taka per unit, representing a six percent increase. Gas prices for power generation will also see an increase ranging from 2.5 percent to 5.36 percent.

Rizvi accused the government of ignoring the concerns of the people, consumer rights, and business organizations, alleging that the price hikes are implemented to fill the government's coffers at the expense of the citizens. He further claimed that the government's policy aims to financially cripple the ordinary people, with funds being redirected towards the extravagant lifestyles of government officials residing in places like Begumpara in Canada and Australia.

Highlighting the government's alleged involvement in the power and energy sector, Rizvi claimed that the opening of the LNG business was orchestrated to address the gas crisis while benefiting businessmen associated with the ruling party. He argued that losses in the power and fuel sector were the result of mismanagement, negligence, and corruption within government institutions and among officials, imposing an unjust burden on the citizens.

Rizvi also expressed concern about the government's intentions to introduce new laws aimed at preventing the spread of false information and news. Citing Law Minister Anisul Haque's remarks in the parliament, Rizvi interpreted these moves as an attempt to intensify surveillance on citizens, labeling them as 'draconian laws' aimed at silencing dissent against the government's alleged misrule, looting, and market syndicates.