Acting Chairman of BNP Tarique Rahman gave a message on the occasion of Shaheed Noor Hossain Day. He said, on the occasion of Shaheed Noor Hussain Day, I pay deep respect to the memory of Shaheed Noor Hussain, the hero of the democracy liberation movement. I pray for the forgiveness of his soul.

Tarique Rahman said, Nur Hossain is an unforgettable name in the history of our democratic movement. On November 10, 1987, as a fighter for the establishment of autocratic democracy, he came down to the streets with the slogan "liberate the democracy, let the autocracy die" on his chest. Our democracy was freed in the 90's popular uprising led by national leader Begum Khaleda Zia.

Acting Chairman of BNP Tarique Rahman said, however, the dream that Nur Hossain sacrificed his life for, has not been completely successful today. The liberating democracy of the 1990s has been reintroduced into a new version of the one-party system. The people of the country have been disenfranchised for the past century. In the meantime, the current fascist government of Bangladesh is trying to bury democracy forever by holding yet another vote-robbery election.

Tarique Rahman said, millions of democracy workers of the country, Noor Hossain, have stood against this inaction of the current fascist government, which organized the murder of democracy. Successors of Nur Hossain like Nurul Alam, Shaon, Shahin were brutally martyred by indiscriminate firing on the democracy lovers who came to the streets in a peaceful movement demanding the resignation of the current fascist government and national elections under a non-partisan neutral government. Blood flow never goes backwards. Therefore, thousands of Noor Hossains have come down on the streets to implement a nationwide blockade to restore the lost democracy gained in exchange for the blood of Shaheed Noor Hossain. People of the country are spontaneously implementing that total blockade with their support. In this struggle of the people, the current fascist government will surely fall and democracy will be freed again and people will get back their right to vote.

Acting Chairman of BNP, Tarique Rahman said, On this day, I call upon everyone, regardless of party affiliation, to restore democracy, let us all succeed in the ongoing blockade program and pay the blood price of all the martyrs in the current democratic movement. Restore voting rights and human rights.